We are committed to provide a zero-incident workplace with healthy and safe working conditions.
We have established our Management System (MS), which identifies the specific nature of our Occupational Health & Safety Risks and Opportunities to:
- Promote safe practices in our ship operations
- Maintain a safe and healthy work environment, considering social and psychological factors
- Prevent any damage to the vessel, cargo and environment
- Assess all identified risks to vessels, personnel and the environment
- Establish safeguards to operate vessels within as low as reasonably practicable level of risk
- Prevent loss of human life and personal injury
- Ensure that the onboard work environment promotes occupational health and safety
- Continuously improve the safety skills of our employees onboard and ashore
- Plan for emergencies
Our operating practices are to:
- Maintain a management structure committed and accountable to prevent work-related injuries and incidents through:
- Appropriate planning
- Promotion of high safety standards
- Continuous monitoring of occupational health and safety aspects fleet wide
- Establishing technical and procedural cyber risk protection and control measures
- Managing cyber safety risks introduced by OT, IT and networks and physical
- Consistently exceed all national, international marine industry rules and regulations
- Establish a safe, healthy and pollution free work environment by following maritime organizations’ guidelines, standards, publications, notices and bulletins
- Implement a shipboard occupational health and safety program
- Provide a framework for setting, reviewing and improving occupational health & safety objectives and targets, also made available to interested parties
- Inspect the fleet frequently
- Ensure effective communications between ship and shore
- Employ skilled and experienced personnel and ensure their training and development
- Provide a safe and healthy working environment
- Provide adequate resources for the effective implementation of our MS and health and safety program
- Encourage our employees’ commitment to high standards of health, safety and Pollution prevention
- Protect our seafarers’ health and provide prompt access to medical care onboard and ashore
- Ensure that all persons working for and on behalf of the Company are aware of this policy
All Company employees, shall comply with the:
- Applicable standards
- Ship’s occupational health and safety policy and program
In order to ensure that this Policy remains relevant and effective, the Managers and Masters are responsible for the implementation and periodical review.
The DPA has the ultimate responsibility for all health safety and pollution prevention matters.
Captain George Vasilakis
Managing Director